who, real or fictional, dead or alive, would you most like to meet

Luigia Maria Campana

This is my Nana's Nona, as we call her, or in other words, my great, great grandmother. My Nana parents were both killed during The Blitz in World War 2. My Nan was 2 at the time. So when my Nan was evacuated, because her Nona was elderly, she was able to go with her. Nona raised my Nan from the age of 2, and I would have loved the chance to meet her. To be able to hear her stories from her, instead of through my grandparents, and to have the chance to ask her about her Italian heritage and family, would have been an amazing experience.

In my opinion, the chance to meet a long dead relative, my own flesh and blood, would be much more special, than meeting a famous person I don't truly know and that doesn't know me. I feel it would be much more valuable to get to know an amazing relative I never got the chance to meet and learn about the history of my family.
