most embarrassing moment of my life so far

I wouldn't say that I've ever been in a situation where I was really embarrassed and can't think of any embarrassing moments that stick in my mind. this one took me quite a while to think up but one moment that I suppose was rather embarrassing would be this...

When I was younger, I was at a birthday party and the whole of my primary school class was there. there was a kids entertainer and he was asking people their names and questions about them. when he got to me he asked my name and then asked (presumably as a joke) if I had a boyfriend. I replied by saying yes, and the guy asked me what his his name was , I told him, and the boy whose name I said stood up and ran to his mum and burst out crying! I tried not to take it personally!

This must be one of my oldest actual memories because even though I must have only been about 5 when this happened I know I actually remember it and probably always will!

ps. sorry to that boy... whose name I haven't mentioned in case he sees this... I don't want to make him cry!
