
most embarrassing moment of my life so far

I wouldn't say that I've ever been in a situation where I was really embarrassed and can't think of any embarrassing moments that stick in my mind. this one took me quite a while to think up but one moment that I suppose was rather embarrassing would be this... When I was younger, I was at a birthday party and the whole of my primary school class was there. there was a kids entertainer and he was asking people their names and questions about them. when he got to me he asked my name and then asked (presumably as a joke) if I had a boyfriend. I replied by saying yes, and the guy asked me what his his name was , I told him, and the boy whose name I said stood up and ran to his mum and burst out crying! I tried not to take it personally! This must be one of my oldest actual memories because even though I must have only been about 5 when this happened I know I actually remember it and probably always will! ps. sorry to that boy... whose name I haven't mentioned in

favourite music video

Take on me by A-ha This music video is awesome. It's pretty old now so the definition is not a good as it could be, but the amount of incredible artwork and imagination in this video is really quite cool. The whole idea was so clever and creative.

favourite tv advert

The Specsavers Adverts I love these adverts because they are always so memorable and never fail to make me giggle.

GCSE english language grade

I got a grade 7 in English language, which, since that equates to an A in the old grading system, I am very happy with. English has always been one of my strong points so I was very happy to see that my hard work made an effect and I got the result I wanted!

blog url

You'd never believe how long this took me to work out and I'm still not sure what I'm doing or if this is right! If it's not already obvious I'm not very good with computers but if I figured this out right then this should be be my blog url!... my blog url


Image I use gmail for my email account because I was told it was the easiest to use and get used to. I would never change my account now anyway, as I've been using gmail for so long and have got very familiar with.


Twitter isn't really my kind of thing, but an account to use for media might be a great way to learn my way around it and properly learn how to use it, although I will only use my Twitter account for media purposes... @edenprince01